Kyra-SkyNight Homily

Welcome to the Ergosphere, the furthermost boundary of a black hole. 

My name is Kyra-Sky, which is apt given the content of my work - I swear my mother knew what I’d make when she offered me that hyphenated jumble of letters. 

I am an image maker, writer and illustrator; drawing parallels between celestial and terrestrial bodies.

This archive;,exponentially growing in density, is a casing; a womb for all the textual, visual and auditory souls contained within its tissues.

In entering the womb of the void, you will encounter all manner of creatures; mostly, Demnous , St.Lucian Kwéyòl for demon.

Every piece of text inside of this dark flesh is...

A night homily.

  • Eophis

  • 3D Digital Sculpt 

Eophis was cut from the belly of the void fully formed, performed an emergency caesarean from the inside out, cut with their teeth the red thread umbilical cord wrapped around their neck like a slipknot.

Eophian Artefacts

3D Digital Sculpt

(Metallic texture applied by Brandon Saunders:


  •  A series of; iron, iridium, bronze, wood, bone and gold Artefacts were recently discovered deep in the bush of Soufrière, Iguana Island ( Sent Lici / St.Lucia). They have been titled the Eophian Artefacts.

The Testament and Scriptures of Eophis


Unearthered at the mouth of a cave on the Petite Piton, Iguana Island, (Sent Lici / St.Lucia. It is thought to be written by a Prophetess who lived in the mountains.

Eophhis (full body)

3D Digital Sculpt

(Metallic texture applied by Brandon Saunders:


Eophian Relic in Gold

Scan of relic


Sucrotic Eophis

Sugar Sculpture


A preserved sugar sculpture discovered in a cornfield in Oxfordshire. 

It is thought that the teachings, customs, spirits and figures surrounding the cult of Eophis travelled across continents during the transatlantic slave trade.


3D Digital Sculpt



3D Digital Sculpt

(Metallic texture applied by Brandon Saunders:


Omo was born approximately half a Planck after Eophis, she’s warm-blooded, she eats eggs, tilapia, dashin, apples and sugar at every stage of its refinement. Omo’s preferred forms are far from each other, she enjoys the sensation of stretching into new shapes. Her default forms are; one, almost insect faced, grotesque to some. There are jaw bones on the vertical where the corners of a smile should sit, teeth jutting out the cheeks - and a tongue which hangs flaccid inbetween, at the centre of their crater. Four arms, four legs - wheeling around a solid torso heavy like a mountain - a Vitruvian Frankenstein. 

The second shape is more recognisable as human, still horned, but a hominid nonetheless. Her scalp is ribboned with lines of cornrows

Omoic Icon

Digital Illustration

An icon of the serpent-fish goddess.

Omo, the fish-spined, snake-goddess demnou of the people. 


Omo Artefact (Polished Iron and Iridium)

3D Digital Sculpt

(Metallic texture applied by Brandon Saunders:
